Membership includes unlimited use of our mobility scooters and manual wheelchairs during opening hours subject to demand. If we are extremely busy we may have to limit you use to two hours. Alternatively, you can hire the equipment by the hour or for longer periods.


Monthly single membership £8.00
Quarterly single membership £23.00
Yearly single membership £88.00

Monthly couple membership £10.00
Quarterly couples membership £38.00
Yearly couples membership £146.00


Daily membership hire (10am – 2pm)

Scooters per hour £7.00
Wheelchairs per hour £4.00

Overnight charges for members

Scooter per night £10.00
Wheelchair per night £7.00

Overnight charges for non-members

Scooter per night (max 1 week) £25.00
Wheelchair per night (max 2 weeks) £15.00

Please note that a £10 refundable deposit is required for overnight hire and £20 for the bariatric wheelchair.